America experienced a heavy dose of black girl magic last week. Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis took the stand in her own defense against misconduct charges relating to an improper relationship with an employee and misuse of public funds.
The evidence against Willis is substantial and damning, but that didn’t faze the black attorney. She acted like she was the victim of a racist system that can’t stand a powerful black woman. Her whole defense centered around her race. Arrogance and contempt defined her testimony.
To most people, Willis’s day in court was a disaster for her. It’s hard for sensible people to understand how such a person could get in a position and be so brazen about her corruption. But she’s no outlier. Many black women act the same way when they gain power. Marilyn Mosby, Rachael Rollins, Kim Gardner, and Tiffany Henyard are additional examples. These ladies power trip and break the law. While they do a lot of harm with the authority they’re given, their clownishness prevents them from doing too much damage. For instance, Willis’s corruption may derail the criminal case against Trump in Georgia.
The real issue is when they’re not clownish and can actually achieve serious victories for their own side. This is the type of politician that could become the liberal authoritarian to end the republic for good.
Our society is saturated with worship of black women. Beyoncé, Oprah, Michelle Obama, and Lizzo are talked about as divinities. The mainstream media treats black women as the guardians of democracy after every election Democrats win. Black girl magic is unironically believed by millions.
The Left would love to have a black woman as its leader, but it’s been hard to find the right one. Too many of the possibilities are like Fani Willis. Kamala Harris is too unlikable and inauthentically black. Stacey Abrams was once seen as the great black hope, but she failed to win an election.
Last week showed one woman with enough black girl magic and lack of embarrassing scandals to fulfill liberal dreams: New York Attorney General Letitia James. While Willis’s case against Trump is falling apart, James scored a major victory against the former president. Her lawsuit concerning Trump’s business dealings resulted in the presumptive GOP nominee owing over $350 million. The mainstream media gushed over James in the aftermath. NPR described her as “a giant-slayer, targeting — and in some cases, toppling — some of the most powerful figures and organizations in the United States.”
The AG promised to go after Trump when she ran in 2018. She fully delivered. She vows to seize Trump’s buildings if he doesn’t start paying his fine. That’s sure to thrill liberals all over the country.
James has made herself a national figure with her Trump lawsuit. But it’s not just Trump she’s targeting–she’s going after a whole list of the Left’s enemies. James has waged a brutal legal war against the NRA since 2020. It’s netted serious results. The lawsuit forced out Wayne LaPierre as head of the gun rights lobby, buried the powerful group in hefty legal fees, and wrung several embarrassing disclosures from the NRA. The NRA’s future now hangs in the balance.
The New York AG is also targeting VDARE for political reasons. The website champions immigration restriction and is condemned by the SPLC. It makes for another enviable target to a left-wing official. James hopes to crush VDARE in the same way she’s harmed Trump and the NRA.
Her ability to wield state power against the Right should gravely concern the country. But to liberals, her tyrannical zeal is a selling point. Worst of all, it may make her the Democratic nominee in 2028.
There are obstacles for James’s path to the White House. One is age. She’s 65 going on 66. She doesn’t have all the time in the world to run for commander in chief. 2028 may be her one and only chance at the president. She also doesn’t have a clear path to advance herself beyond AG in that time. She could run for governor in 2026, but her attempt to primary Kathy Hochul didn’t fare well in the last election.
However, she could just run for the White House on her laurels as state attorney general. Pete Buttigieg became a serious contender in 2020 as merely a mayor of South Bend, Indiana. Being the woman who took down Trump and the NRA is a much bigger deal.
I’ve previously discussed the possibility of a “Blue Caesar” in several podcasts. This concept refers to a Democratic president who would discard the Constitution and institute liberal tyranny in America. It’s the kind of president who would initiate gun control and hate speech laws through executive order and override any judicial restraints. Many right-wingers hope for a Red Caesar, but I argue it’s more likely a Blue Caesar would emerge due to institutional backing. It’s far easier to imagine the media, the military, the deep state, and plenty of judges backing a left-wing tyrant than a right-wing dictator.
Biden is too senile and unpopular to serve as the Blue Caesar. Gavin Newsom is a possibility, but he may lack the ideological commitment to take that role. He also will struggle to rally support for authoritarian rule as a straight white man. James certainly doesn’t have that problem, and she’s proven to have no qualms about wielding state power against her political enemies.
The Left is primed to cheer on a DMV tyrant. James has prepared for this role well. Her speeches sound like they were ripped straight from a network TV show. You can imagine her as the show’s protagonist delivering a solemn monologue against the racist white men she’s bringing down. Just as TV audiences are trained to cheer on a black kween, the mainstream media would instruct their viewers and readers to clap like seals for Queen Tish. She can deploy the same arguments she uses against Trump and VDARE to lock up her opponents. She can claim her aggressive moves are done to protect democracy or end racism and the institutions will nod along. The racism charge could also be thrown against critics of her authoritarian style. You’re not supposed to critique black women in charge.
James may not even need to be president to initiate libtard tyranny. If Biden wins another term, he could elevate her to U.S. attorney general. Merrick Garland is in his seventies. There’s a good chance he wouldn’t stick around for another four years. Who better to replace Garland than liberals’ favorite state AG? However, if Republicans win back the Senate, James’s chances of confirmation would plummet. James gaining the full power of the Department of Justice would be a nightmare. It would give her most of the tools she would need to attack the Right. Dementia Joe would fully support her.
The likelihood of a Blue Caesar is facilitated by the Left’s institutional capture. The military brass, the intelligence community, the bureaucracy, the universities, the media, the entertainment industry, and much of the judiciary and corporate world are dominated by liberals. Many of these important people buy into the Left’s fever dreams, imagining Vladimir Putin controlling the Republican Party and democracy teetering on the edge of the abyss. If they had the right person to share all their fears and promise to solve them with the help of total power, these types would line up in favor of it. They would be in a position to provide the necessary support for that power grab.
That’s the difference between those who would want a liberal authoritarian and those who want a conservative authoritarian. The latter group doesn’t have the power and influence to help a Red Caesar effect regime change. They’re mostly people on Twitter. Liberals, in contrast, are in a position to grant dictatorial power to the DMV queen of their dreams.
The tyranny of Letitia James is not guaranteed. A lot can change in politics in just a few short years. Maybe James’s stature could fall if Trump wins in November. Maybe the Left blames her zealous prosecution for Trump’s victory. Maybe she has her own Fani Willis-style scandal between now and 2028. Maybe she turns out to be a poor campaigner. Or maybe Democrats move on to another star before the next election and forget all about James. Nothing is certain.
But James does illustrate how real the threat is of a liberal authoritarian taking over the White House. This is who the Left wants as its leader. God help America if someone like James becomes commander in chief.
I think one thing you are missing is only blacks and white far leftist would go along with this. Hispanics especially are tire of blacks getting disproportionate attention and the ignoring of black crime affects them directly. If the right were to bring this divide to the forefront it would fracture any support.
Also the media and entertainment is fractioning in our favor. Right wing personalities are now able to effect discourse and meme opponents down and this is only increasing each election. The main issue is institutional capture which can be changed over a few elections and cleaning out the burocracies and using lawfare against nonprofits/private sector.
Another thing that might save us from her besides her age is the fact that when the share of the White Working Class voting Dem falls below something like the mid-30-percent range it becomes very difficult for a Democrat to win the Electoral College. The rust belt still has a lot of White Union guys that vote Democrat, and will vote for a Biden or Obama (though Newsom polls badly with them), but will they vote for Spinster-Closet-Case-DMV Lady? As you said, the real danger is her becoming AG in a Dem administration which is likely if Biden is able to steal another election, or in 2028.