Last year, your humble author crafted a simple set of maxims to resist the zeitgeist. The Greerhead Pledge encourages adherents to refrain from smoking weed, to stop listening to rap, to turn off the NFL, and to ignore the latest Marvel movie. But now it’s time to revise the pledge.
Last week I decided to replace the NFL plank of the pledge with a ban on the NBA, which sent the Greerheads into a frenzy, some demanding the “No NFL” vow’s return. Others threatened a schism within the Greerhead flock. This was a surprise, as the NFL plank was always the most controversial part. Many right-wingers still bear an undying grudge against me for telling people not to watch the sport.
Unfortunately for the diehard Greerheads, the NFL plank will not return. But it won’t be replaced by “No NBA.” The reasons for the change require an explanation of the entire pledge. Each element represents a specific aspect of modern American life you should reject. Weed, rap, Marvel films, and the new fourth element each symbolize an insidious cultural development. Rejecting them is about building towards a new, respectable white culture. I’ve talked at length about how much of modern America is a revolt against WASP norms. The Greerhead Pledge is about restoring those norms in new and improved form.
No Weed
“I will not smoke weed” rejects not just drugs, but vice in general. Americans face a dizzying array of options to indulge their passions. Drugs, porn, and gambling are ubiquitous. Their easy accessibility would have stunned previous generations. Marijuana represents this culture most obviously. It’s a soma that turns the masses into lazy slugs and lowers the general quality of life. The reefer reek is an overwhelming presence in daily life. Contrary to what weed’s proponents may say, the drug is highly addictive, lowers testosterone, and diminishes brain function. Chronic weed use produces couch potatoes who refuse to challenge the prevailing order. They’re too busy getting high to care about anything real. Porn and gambling addictions are the same. They’re vices meant to pacify young people with declining living standards. That’s why you should say no to weed.
No Rap
“I will not listen to rap” rejects black culture. Over the past 50 years, America’s mainstream culture has gotten a lot more magical. The music we listen to, the language we use, the fashions we wear, and the behaviors we tolerate are all black-influenced. Rap is the main vehicle magicfying America. It displaced rock as America’s most popular music genre, much to our nation’s discredit. Black culture, through rap, doesn’t just shape the way we talk. It molds our political and social views. Millions wouldn’t have fallen for Black Lives Matter were it not for rap music dominating popular culture. America’s state religion is Afrolatry, made possible in part by millions of white Americans listening to rap. Refusing to listen to rap says no to all this.
Rap also covers all other forms of black culture. It’s superfluous to recommend Greerheads don’t watch the NBA. NBA is just another element of black culture. If you aren’t listening to rap, you are probably not watching the NBA.
No Marvel Movies
“I will not see the latest Marvel movie” rejects Reddit culture. The popular franchises (Marvel and Star Wars) are multiracial America’s epics. They project our new tastes, aspirations, and values on the big screen.
The heroes strive to build a more inclusive, diverse world against villains that often reflect a caricature of right-wing ideology, all the while spewing embarrassing one-liners and cringe platitudes throughout. The comic book way many Americans see the world is determined by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Just look at how Americans first reacted to the Ukraine War. The Globalist American Empire can convince the masses to back any silly foreign intervention just by painting the “good guys” as the Avengers and the “bad guys” as Red Skull. (Or, for the Star Wars-inclined, the “good guys” are the Rebel Alliance and the “bad guys” are the Empire.)
As films, they’re quite bad. They are designed to please the lowest common denominator, made for viewers with ADD whose attention can only be maintained by CGI lasers and explosions.
Saying “no” to Marvel clears your mind of stupid content and resists ideological brainwashing.
Why Take Out “No NFL”
There were a couple of reasons why I dropped “I will not watch the NFL.” One is that people interpreted it to mean no sports whatsoever. That was never the intention behind the tenet. It was meant to reject NFL culture in particular. The football league is arguably the greatest opiate of the masses, pushing BLM to its audience and directing energy away from important matters. But most entertainment options are guilty of the same offenses.
I couldn’t figure out a specific cultural element for the NFL to represent. I already dismissed that it symbolized sports culture. Sports aren’t bad. It’s just bad that the regime exploits them to push propaganda. I considered that it may represent “Ugly Americans,” “spectacle culture,” “junk culture,” or just general proletarianization. But none of these sounded as concrete like Reddit culture.
I finally concluded that the NFL represents the current state of America, both in its glory and ugliness. The NFL is the ultimate example of American culture. The Super Bowl is the most popular single event in our country and highlights cultural and social trends like no other. Those trends disgust the Right, but they represent the current state of the country.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t criticize the NFL and its fans. Some Greerhead purists may insist on never watching the NFL, which is perfectly fine. But it’s a bit too radical to reject America whole cloth. Building a normie-friendly politics requires compromises. The type of people we want to attract like sports. “No NFL” sounds anti-American and nerdy to their ears. We can shake our heads at them, but this is who they are. They may accept no weed, no rap, and no Marvel–but the NFL is a bridge too far.
Unlike the other planks, there’s nothing wrong with the core of the NFL. Football is still a great sport, despite its woke packaging. Liberal message is essential to Marvel movie content, whereas woke propaganda is merely an accessory to the NFL. In a better world, you’d still have pro sports—but you wouldn’t tolerate weed, rap, and Marvel.
The New Plank
The old pledge failed to address the growing vulgarization and proletarianization of our people. Too many Americans want to rebel against some fantasy WASP establishment that no longer exists. So they look, dress, and act like shit to “stick it to the man.” Instead of dignified citizens, people look like they just got out of San Quentin. That is less a rebellion than another way of assimilating to the cultural paradigm. The powers that be prefer white Americans to sink to the level of white trash. They hate the old WASP norms as well. They aren’t scared of people getting face tattoos and wearing shirts that display the word “FUCK.”
Uglification of Americans is very real and it must be rejected.
There are two possibilities to represent defiance against vulgar proletarianization. The easy option is to say “No Pitbulls.” I helped popularize breed realism five years ago and now most of the Right agrees with me about pits. They’re ugly, violent creatures that are cherished both by white trash and ghetto culture. To own one is a pudgy middle finger against WASP norms. One should not get a pitbull under any circumstance.
But “No Pitbulls” is too easy. Hardly anyone on our side would want to get one in the first place, so it’s too obvious advice. It would be like recommending “no porn” or “no seed oils.” The Greerhead Pledge is about hard stances, not easy ones.
Secondly, pitbulls are not the primary expression of proletarianization–tattoos are. Body tattoos are far more pervasive than pits and a constant reminder of social decline.
That’s why I’ve decided to make the fourth plank of the Greerhead Pledge something controversial. I know a lot of guys who have tattoos. I grew up listening to metal, so many of my favorite musicians had tats. They are a part of life for many working class whites and soldiers. It’s not outrageous to see a Marine with a half-sleeve.
But tattoos are spreading beyond the traditional groups and acceptable parts of the body. Once upon a time, only bikers and ex-cons had tattoos. Now you see them on baristas and sales managers. Only men used to get tattoos. Now a majority of women under 40 are tatted. People used to cover up tattoos when out in public; only prison gang members would show off full body tats. Now it’s common to see face, neck, and hand tattoos on the street.
Tattoos have turned into an epidemic of ugliness. Publicly visible tattoos symbolize the vulgarization that’s eating away at our civilization. They tarnish the appearance of any person bearing one.
That’s why Greerheads must say “I Will Not Get A Tattoo.” There is some leeway here. If you already have a tattoo from your time in the service or something you got with your friends in your younger days, that’s fine. It’s all about not getting one rather than having one.
Ultimately, Greerheads want to uphold civilization. The purpose of the Greerhead Pledge is to uphold civilizational norms in a time of decay. Face tats are not part of any civilization worth defending.
Just imagine a world without weed, rap, Marvel films, and face tattoos. That’s the world we want, and the first steps toward realizing that starts with you.
So take the Greerhead Pledge and declare to the world:
Schism averted! This was like arguing over the book of common prayer
We are so back.