Anarchy reigns in the UK as both whites and Muslims riot throughout the country. Whites took to the streets in anger over a Rwandan migrant murdering three white girls at a children’s dance party. Muslims responded to aggressive anti-immigration demonstrations with attacks on whites. The violence hasn’t subsided yet.
What should Americans make of all this?
The clearest takeaway is that plenty of Britons have had enough of mass immigration. They’ve seen their communities radically transformed in the blink of an eye. They see housing costs skyrocket due to the newcomers. They see crime become more common. They hear foreign languages spoken more than English. They see the quality of schools plummet. They witness strange mosques being built where a concert hall once stood. They feel like strangers in their own land. Yet, the political establishment continues to ignore them and does nothing to limit migration.
So they took matters into their own hands after hearing about the stabbings. Will it take down the government? No. Riots rarely achieve this. It’s especially hard for the Right to accomplish anything through these tactics because of the lack of institutional sympathy for their causes. Right-wing riots are usually counter-productive as they just lead to more suppression. However, when offered no way to voice their frustration, the ordinary Brits who demonstrated shouldn’t be faulted. They feel riots are the only way to make themselves heard.
The Left sympathizes and defends its own side when their people get out of hand. A riot becomes “the language of the unheard” when it’s blacks or migrants burning down buildings. The powers that be will say the protesters have their hearts in the right place while frowning on their tactics. But when whites demonstrate outside a mosque, then it’s terrorism. This system-wide sentiment allows the government to crack down on right-wing protesters in a fashion they would never dare attempt with Black Lives Matter.
This is why we will see a “two-tier policing” in the UK. Muslims who hunted down and assaulted whites will get a slap on the wrist. White demonstrators who broke a window in a migrant neighborhood will receive lengthy jail sentences. White racism, unlike radical Islam or migrant criminality, is seen as the great evil of western societies. It’s why Keir Starmer quickly pledged to deploy state resources against this menace while showing no real concern about the murder that inspired the riots. White kids getting stabbed to death by a crazed migrant is just part and parcel of life in the UK. Whites taking to the streets in anger over said murder is an intolerable nightmare.
The double-standard in state reaction to riots was illustrated after January 6. After a year of devastating BLM/Antifa riots that destroyed many American cities, the authorities chose to only crack down on Trump supporters who walked around the Capitol without permission. Non-violent demonstrators received multi-year jail sentences simply for entering the Senate chambers. The powers that be denounced the J6 protests as the worst thing to happen to America since the Civil War, making it worse than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It was a coup and it required the full-force of the law. BLM rioters were treated in a completely different fashion. Not only did the vast majority of them face no penalty for the violence, many of them received payouts from city governments for the inconvenience of being arrested. Two-tier policing, indeed.
Without institutional or elite sympathy, riots lack any ability to achieve any real goals. It becomes an angry outburst that eventually fizzles, as what we’re seeing in the UK. Despite what Elon Musk and other commentators have said, civil war or revolution is not imminent in the UK. These protesters lack leaders and organization. They face the full opposition of the government, the media, Muslim migrants, and even the general public. Britain is too stable to allow such a disorder to turn into a civil war.
That’s not to say everything is merry in the UK. The riots showcase Britain's future as a multiracial state. Rather than being a tolerant, harmonious society, it will be riven by ethnic tensions that often blow up into violence. The government will become even more authoritarian to stamp out dissent over the migration consensus. The UK will not be a happy place. It will be less democratic, more violent, and more divided. But it will linger on until it breaks apart (powerful parties in Scotland and Northern Ireland want their states to leave the union) or a leader emerges who can make Britain great again.
In the meantime, the UK will suffer more social turbulence and street violence. The riots are the new normal.
Riots don’t work for the Right for a variety of reasons. As mentioned above, there are no elites or institutions who will support them. These groups can browbeat the public into condemning the violence. This lack of support makes it easy to isolate and persecute RW protesters. Making examples of them also deters future protests. Conservatives, unlike a lot of leftists, have a lot to lose. Many of the J6ers lost their jobs, their homes, and their families. The Left has plenty of lumpenproles with nothing to lose to riot for them. The Right doesn’t. The overwhelming state response to J6 persuaded American right-wingers to give up protesting entirely. It may be different in the UK where there is still a large urban white working class that will go ballistic. They have soccer hooligans; we don’t. But the persecution will have a big effect, regardless.
The only way the British can change their situation is through political organizing. While not perfect, the best vehicle for that right now is Reform UK. The Conservatives are hopeless and deserve to suffer more electoral defeats. The superior choice is Reform, which actually takes the issues of the rioters seriously and wants to make the UK a better place.
There won’t be a chav revolution that takes down British libtards anytime soon. The course available for those who want to reduce immigration and protect Britain’s demographic integrity is through standard politics. It’s not as exciting as street demonstrations, and it doesn’t generate as much social media engagement. But it’s the only way to get anything done.