Whiteness Still Rules In Dating
While American society condemns whiteness, everyone still prefers white partners
Whiteness is not a hot commodity in our contemporary society–at least according to what we’re taught. DEI teaches that whiteness is a grave sin. Media portrays whiteness as either lame or evil and allows for the most vitriolic anti-white diatribes to be aired and published. TV commercials portray whites as dopes waiting to be educated by much cooler and smarter minorities, and movies always make sure the villain is a white guy. Some whites try to identify as a minority to gain an advantage in employment, college admissions, and social prestige. Being white disadvantages a resume when companies have diversity quotas to fill.
Yet, there remains one important area where whiteness is still highly valued, and it’s the area least prone to media propaganda and most determined by innate human desire. On the dating market, whiteness still reigns supreme. Despite society saying whites are terrible and need to do serious penance for their skin color, nearly everyone wants to swipe right on them. Revealed preferences strongly differ from mandated rhetoric.
A 2023 study shows the universal preference for a white partner. Among all groups and sexual orientations assessed by the study, white profiles on dating apps were the most favored. This has been officially confirmed by at least one dating app. OkCupid’s creator found that white profiles were the most likely to be messaged on his app. The paper, conducted by two women with Hispanic surnames, bemoaned how their findings support “reif[ies] a racialized sexual hierarchy that privileges Whiteness.” The groups most disadvantaged in this hierarchy are black women and Asian men.
Some of the parties most guilty of reifying the “racialized sexual hierarchy” are woke women of color. Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar, arguably the two most left-wing lawmakers who will return in 2025, both have partners counted as white by the Census. The Supreme Court’s lone black woman is married to a white man, a fact shared with the other black women Biden considered appointing to replace Stephen Breyer. Washington Post editor Karen Attiah, an African immigrant who loves to rant about whites, once admitted she prefers white men. Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre is a lesbian, but she still dates white. Her most recent partner was a white woman.
Much of the progressive base shares this preference. The New York Times interviewed Gen Z women who are excited for Kamala Harris. One homely Hispanic woman told the paper that she loved Kamala’s selection of Tim Walz as her running mate. “She’s done what I could never do in my dating life — she picked the right white man,” she said.
A good way to assess what our society sees as the most desirable partner is to see who pro athletes date. With their money and star power, they can date whoever they want, and they overwhelmingly prefer white women. The WAGs (wives and girlfriends) of pro athletes have risen in prominence thanks to social media. Even though the NFL and NBA are majority black, the WAGs are majority white. The WAGs of the 2024 NFL Draft, as highlighted by the New York Post, were all white (one girl appears to be Arab, but she would be counted as white by the Census). Most articles you find on WAGs in such places as the Post, Outkick, and others will feature white women. The white preference among athletes has caused some controversy among black women. A 2022 New York Knicks holiday party caused outrage after all the black players showed up with white dates. The lone Ukrainian on the roster was the only one who brought a black date.
Broad acceptance of interracial dating is something new. More Americans are willing to date outside their group, which gives non-whites more opportunities to find a white partner. But minorities still face the challenge of whites preferring to date other whites. Studies consistently find that whites, particularly white women, prefer Caucasian partners. This is remarkable considering the amount of propaganda whites receive telling them to favor other groups for romance. In contrast to what leftists claim, our society tries to push whites into not prioritizing whiteness in this intimate matter. Popular media tries to persuade whites to date someone with more melanin. Interracial dating is celebrated in most advertising. It’s rare to see a plain white couple in an ad anymore. Yet, that kind of couple is still the most common in America.
Having a white partner is a sign you’ve made it in America. It’s a status symbol among non-whites and even part of the new American Dream. You get a house, you get a 401k, you get two cars, and you get someone with blue eyes to call your spouse.
But it’s a difficult task to get a white partner when you’re not white. Incels commonly lament about how America’s dating dynamics favor whites, which leads them to make memes about how you just need to be white to get laid. Incels are more likely to be non-white, in contrast to media stereotypes that they are overwhelmingly white. Most whites can find a partner. If they get really desperate, they can start dating outside their preferred group. Minority males don’t have this advantage.
Non-whites try to overcome this disadvantage by appearing more white on their dating profiles. They will make sure to display photos of themselves with lots of white friends, dressing in a white fashion, listing white hobbies, and exhibiting a white personality. Some will just even pretend to be white. A black writer for The Cut wrote last month about how she and other black women list their race as white on Hinge to get more and better matches.
This is the opposite of what you do on a job application or for a spot at an elite university. Anyone with minority ancestry–whether real or imagined–will emphasize that over being white.
Whites face a foreboding future in America. Fewer whites means less political power and more anti-white racism in our society. Whites will feel more discrimination when we become a minority. But we can be rest assured we won’t find much discrimination in one area. We may be barred from certain jobs and see our heroes taken down, but the New Americans will still be swiping right on us.
Whiteness will survive as a positive thing in multiracial America. Just no one will admit outside the safety of their own bedroom.
Not to dox myself lol, but damn you hit the spot on this one haha.
As a self proclaimed “BIPOC” conservative, this has become a painful realization for me. I’ve spent years fighting for the whole “Republicans aren’t racist” narrative, which, technically is true. But in the meantime, intangibles such as dating and making friends is a little tougher when you are dark skinned. It does kinda suck but ultimately it’s biology and human nature. And, at the end of the day, you don’t wanna force someone to like you against their will.
The only issue with this is EVERYBODY loves white people, and BIPOC women are the worst, as they won’t settle for GOOD COLORED men, whereas us ethnic men, although we prefer white women too! Will happily settle for good looking colored women.
I’m a good looking fit brown dude, but shit, I never get matches on dating apps and women tend to like me, but I’m always option C or D. Would help if I was a 6’9 millionaire power forward but if there’s a will there’s a way. It’s mostly BIPOC women that piss me off since they hate white people so much, but want to get colonized in the sheets. I’ve kinda made peace with reality but it does suck from time to time lol. But great writing Scott 👍🏼