Oct 17, 2023Liked by Scott Greer

Scott, will you do a segment sometime on the dissent right’s goals for the post-Trump GOP? You mention Gaetz a lot, and he’s good, but our bench seems disturbingly shallow. Blake Masters and Joe Kent lost, Vance has been underwhelming.

Equally: what about de-proletariat-ing the GOP? Trump got this started, but the insane clown party also lands at his feet. Losing the country club vote has been a disaster. How do we reverse this trend?

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That would be a good episode. Maybe next week depending on the news cycle

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One more IQ question: what do you think about limiting the franchise in America?

Is there any realistic prospect to return the USA to a limited republic as the founders intended, or are we stuck with universal mass suffrage? How/which categories if so? I’m thinking banning net tax/welfare recipients seems sort of realistic in like 50 years.

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Apologies in advance bc I know this wasn’t meant to attract other comments but have some thoughts on this.

Bringing the country club peeps to the GOP is going to be v hard, bc they are in a milieux where they will be ostracized socially and professionally for supporting nationalist policies. It’s impossible to even publicly support Trump in many places -- despite the fact that he was the president and still supported by at least half the country (and is accordingly by definition not an “extremist” but “mainstream”).

The other issue is that, since the 70s, UMC professionals have never been on side bc they’re interested in power and power is left wing. They sabotaged Nixon and didn’t vote for Reagan in 1980 (it’s lolzy they now worship him). the one GOPer they supported enthusiastically was GWB. (And I guess Romney, but much less so.) That’s no coincidence bc both embodied the Washington consensus on trade, regs, wars, and immigration.

Insofar as there’s a way forward it would be in lowering or eliminating the social cost for publicly supporting the GOP and nationalist candidates. Stressing how our policies are “common sense” and “shared by most Americans” (which they are) can help in this process. The recent performance by the Canadian opposition leader (who is suspect but w/e) with a journalist who tried to bait him was a great example. So was this Edward Blum (the guy who brought and won the affirmative action case and is now suing corps for anti white discrimination) interview w the NYT where he humiliated a reporter who tried to identify him as “extremist.”


I’m skeptical the above will work, and if it can it may take a long while. so in the meantime the GOP has to max out turnout by the “missing white voter” (ie the “disengaged” rural and exurban voter). They’re not UMC but not downscale in the way you mentioned either. Trump won by doing this in 2016 and youngkin did too in 2021

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Not at all thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree mostly. A candidate who presents well to UMC tastes like Youngkin or Vivek is half the battle imo

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Israel's support will wane over the coming years.

Immigrants are either anti-Israel, support anti-Israel politics out of tribal loyalty (for the gibs) or don't care about Israel at all. Indians will support Israel so the GOP could make mass immigration from India a priority to shore up support for Israel.

America's left wing young people are increasingly anti-Israel for the same reasons they hate America (colonialism, white supremacy, racism blah blah) whilst the right wing young people hate the hypocrisy of zionism (which is mostly liberal), the one sided relationship of Israel and the trouble it causes in the middle east. RW people are getting increasingly fed up with Jewish liberal zionist hypocrisy, they are really hating conservative Jew's Israel first policies. Supporting Israel has not helped the right at all.

Single women mostly vote over abortion but package that with anti-Israel and they'll vote to nuke Israel for abortion rights. I don't see a future for Israel. Jews could have avoided this by being right wing, they still lose the left but keep the right. yet they just pissed everyone off.

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