“Dilbert” creator Scott Adams was canceled over a REDPILLED video stream last week. Adams brought up a Rasmussen poll that showed nearly half of black Americans do not think it’s okay to be white. “If nearly half of all Blacks are not okay with White people … that’s a hate group,” he told his audience. “I don’t want to have anything to do with them. And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people… because there is no fixing this.”
He also stated that white neighborhoods are far better than black neighborhoods and that interracial violence is lopsidedly black-on-white. He concluded it was time for whites to stop helping blacks.
Newspapers all over the country dropped Dilbert and Adams’s publisher scrapped his next book over the “racist” statements. The Dilbert guy spoke a lot of truth, even if he said it in his typical strange manner. The overlooked fact from this story is how many Americans think it’s not okay to be white.
The statement of “It’s Okay to be White” is considered a hate slogan. The phrase doesn’t say whites are superior. It doesn’t even say they’re great. It simply says they’re okay–the bare minimum of acceptance. The fact that’s controversial says a lot about America. No matter what excuses are given, Scott Adams is getting cancelled for noticing anti-white racism and advising whites to keep away from this hate.
Anti-white racism is a real fact in American life, even if the media wants to claim it’s a fever dream of the “far right.” The Washington Post’s Philip Bump insists Adams’s opinion is nothing more than a pathetic example of the Right’s “insistence on white victimhood.” “Immersed in an echo chamber where Whites are the victims, they make public assertions that reflect that position,” Bump writes. And when the inevitable happens, when the assertions trigger a backlash, the echo chamber only grows louder: Here’s another White man, punished for his views.” The media analyst claims that so many blacks disagree with the phrase “it’s okay to be white” because they associate it with alt right trolls. A dubious idea, but one that’s fit to print in the Washington Post.
Many non-whites don’t think it’s okay to be white. Even a lot of whites don’t think it’s okay to be white. They are taught by our education system and media to think whites are very bad. When you’re told whites are responsible for every evil on Earth and oppressed innocent non-whites, you’re not going to have a positive opinion of them.
Non-whites and even some whites will tell you their negative views of whites The video channel Cut produced a video two years ago that asked a large number of black people what they think white people are superior at. The respondents erupted in fury against whites in their answers. The respondents said whites are only great at violence, fear, genocide, oppression, insecurity, being ignorant, lack of empathy, taking what’s not theirs, taking over other people’s cultures, gentrification, lying, cheating, destroying land, upholding white supremacy, and just being dicks.
Other interviews of ordinary people show similar resentment. The British video channel Reasoned interviewed Londoners to find out what they think of straight white men. When asked whether straight white men are important, the multiracial respondents emphatically said no. When asked what they are good for, the respondents couldn’t think of anything.
The same channel sent a black interviewer out to ask people on the street if white lives matter. All the respondents were uncomfortable with the phrase and insisted they’d rather say black lives matter. The video shows how well indoctrinated. people are. They instinctively refuse to say a phrase as simple as “it’s okay to be white.”
These views do come from the UK, but the Brits learned them from the Americans. At least one of the interview subjects was a white American female. You would not likely find different answers when asking pedestrians on the streets of New York City.
If one wants more evidence of anti-white racism among ordinary Americans, one can head over to Black Twitter for a bevy of examples.

Or just see the reactions generated by “It’s Okay To Be White” fliers in towns and cities across the country. There are several examples of a city acting like there is a lynch mob on the loose when they spot this message out in public. The latest instance comes from Portland, Maine. A banner proclaiming “It’s Okay To Be White” in the city last month caused an uproar and led to protests in the liberal town. A “Stop White Hate” sign in Bellingham, Massachusetts, last fall led to a police investigation and some residents demanding hate crime charges. “It’s Okay To Be White” propaganda at Ohio Wesleyan University in 2019 drew an FBI investigation.
This animosity toward whites is encouraged by the mainstream media. Critics skewered Adams for saying whites should avoid blacks, but advice telling blacks to avoid whites gets published in the New York Times. “I will teach my boys to have profound doubts that friendship with white people is possible,” wrote Times columnist Ekow N. Yankah in 2017. “When they ask, I will teach my sons that their beautiful hue is a fault line. Spare me platitudes of how we are all the same on the inside. I first have to keep my boys safe, and so I will teach them before the world shows them this particular brand of rending, violent, often fatal betrayal.”
Sounds not too different from Scott Adams, right? Black privilege allows one to see another group as inherently dangerous and speak freely about it.
Cable news hosts also join in the demonization of whites. MSNBC host Joy Ann-Reid regularly spews vitriol against the Caucasian race. Former MSNBC host Tiffany Cross made Reid appear moderate with her own commentary. “White replacement can strangle culture. So yes, we should all be concerned about White replacement. It is, after all, a very threat to our survival here,” she said in a segment last year. Yes, a cable news show host is able to say one race is a threat to our very survival and we should consider replacing them. Cross is no longer with the network, but Reid is still in its primetime lineup. Viewers are still regularly greeted with the frequent appearances of legal analyst Elie Mystal, who often descends into hysterics over white people. He in fact believes the Constitution is a racist document because it was written by white folks.
These are just a few examples of the anti-white racism found in American public life. The incidents from universities and schools are endless and well-known. They trickle down into the beliefs of ordinary people and find an outlet in cable news and children’s cartoons. This segment from Disney’s The Proud Family truly demonstrates the widespread tolerance for anti-white hate.
After watching that clip made for children, one would conclude that our society doesn’t think it’s okay to be white. People aren’t angered by the slogan due to its connection to 4chan. People are vehemently opposed to any positive affirmation of whiteness. Whiteness can only be discussed in the context of demonization.
The Old America’s Manifest Destiny was to conquer the continent. The New America’s Manifest Destiny is to conquer whiteness. That’s why “White Lives Matter” and “It’s Okay To Be White” are forbidden statements.
I wish more people would go on the offense, and ridicule the black-supremacist's delusions of grandeur.
Scorn and mockery is what these people deserve.
It’s more than OK to bring Nightmare Vision back on Highly Respected