Apr 10·edited Apr 10

The conservative inc. brain trust is brain dead when it comes to analyzing relationships between straight men and women. Blaming and shaming men or derisively referring to them as "incels" isn't going to make things better or move the needle towards higher marriage rates. They fail to take in to account ridiculously high standards of today's women and act as if they are all innocent damsels in distress.

We mock the left for their inability to deal with reality but conservatives are just has bad when it comes to dating and relationships and race relations. On dating men just need to "man up" while women are blameless and lack agency. On race they think heavy duty pandering will encourage blacks to leave the Democrat party en masse and begin donning red MAGA hats and cheering for corporate tax cuts and endless wars for Israel.

I think the other issue is that many men probably know at least one guy who's had his life nearly ruined in a divorce since the divorce laws are so lopsided in favor of women. This fact coupled with the struggles of many younger men in the dating market has caused men to check out and do their own thing since it is becoming a waste of time with little to show for it other than frustration and heart break.

Men should not be pursuing women in the workplace in today's HR climate. Most companies have adopted a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and even innocently showing interest in a girl beyond work can be construed as "sexual harassment".

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Gosh I’m a sucker for all your GOOD MEN scarcity notes, mostly because you hit the freaking mail on the head perfectly.

I have so many things I wanna say but I’ll just name a few.

It sucks, but as you mentioned, meeting women at work is probably the better (100% riskiest) option, because a) with smaller social circles it’s a way to engage b) more time spent with coworkers can help dilute some of the Chad expectations that most women have. But then there’s the whole MeToo thing and awkwardness if things go south

Even going out to stuff is hard nowadays and shows how much Hawley is out of touch. I try to do things like sports leagues, spin classes, dance classes, church groups but 1) usually about a million dudes competing for the 3 chicks 2) women just are so not talkative (I guess it’s my looks) Even the church groups I go to, it’s usually mostly dudes, some have bad hygiene, some have good values but they are kinda awkward, 30% normal dudes but the women are all either a) multicultural b) fat and ugly c) young 30’s but still have the Chad delusion.

Last thing, a scary trend with college aged Zoomers, it’s seems like they are getting less and less pussy. I still keep in contact with my fraternity chapter and go to events, but I notice that even the good looking dudes in Greek life don’t pull as much tail as they used to back in the day. Could be a regional thing, maybe SEC Greek life is still like it used to be, but also it doesn’t help that these sorority chapters push and indoctrinate Girl Boss and we love Planned Parenthood bullshit.

Sorry for the rant, but this article was amazing Scott

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

Excellent article! Yet, it overlooks one of the major reasons men are avoiding marriage: It's a game rigged in favor of women. Once a man signs on the dotted line, he is at the mercy of the woman who prevails 90% of the time in Family Courts, who has the power to take most of what he's worked for, and who can take his children away from him and make him pay for their support of a lazy lifestyle. Plus, marriage contracts can have the terms changed at any time by State legislatures, so even if when you "signed up" it seemed fair then, that does not mean it will be fair later. If anyone wants to solve the marriage crisis and get men to commit again, then massive reform and cleanout of corrupt, pro-female Family Courts throughout the nation must be started and completed. Until those courts are fair and equitable, there will be no solving the marriage crisis. Sadly, most women feel that there is no problem with Family Courts and why would they when they can have it all their way once they file for divorce to upgrade their lifestyle? Women and the power they wield in these corrupt courts are the problem, not men, other than that too many men are too timid to challenge the system.

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