I have thought about this way too much over the years. I worked in a school once and a white guy said it and a black guy slammed his head into a concrete wall so many times the boy had to go to the hospital (he pressed charges, yay). Anyway, my son is lower iq Autistic and has been called "retard" too many times to count. I have a knee-jerk moment when I hear it, but I have always taught him to ignore ignorance because the minute we act like animals, we have allowed them to win. I don't understand why people aren't yet civilized enough to control themselves over an effing word.
What Scott described is a racial caste system where whites are punished more harshly for verbal transgressions against newspeak than any other group. Lefties and blacks have convinced themselves that whites secretly say the N word with the hard R all the time in private but whites have been so browbeaten over that word for decades that I've rarely heard fellow whites say that word.
I have thought about this way too much over the years. I worked in a school once and a white guy said it and a black guy slammed his head into a concrete wall so many times the boy had to go to the hospital (he pressed charges, yay). Anyway, my son is lower iq Autistic and has been called "retard" too many times to count. I have a knee-jerk moment when I hear it, but I have always taught him to ignore ignorance because the minute we act like animals, we have allowed them to win. I don't understand why people aren't yet civilized enough to control themselves over an effing word.
What Scott described is a racial caste system where whites are punished more harshly for verbal transgressions against newspeak than any other group. Lefties and blacks have convinced themselves that whites secretly say the N word with the hard R all the time in private but whites have been so browbeaten over that word for decades that I've rarely heard fellow whites say that word.
I'm imagining an early 2000s world of nu-metal using "retard" and "gay" excessively.
Can we just keep calling it "Ebonics" please?