Idk if anyone’s ever brought it up to you before, but the fact that “Highly Respected jobs in India” is recommended on the YouTube search bar before “Highly Respected” is too funny

Some Patel software engineer at YT who Feared the Greer def manually inserted that there 😂

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That's so KEYED!

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Infamous Democrat/Libtard, Scott M Greer

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The race question is tricky because many races are actually quite similar to each other and can probably be bred into the next iteration of the White race. Certain Asians and Latinos might even add some needed traits to the European genome, such as higher ethnocentrism and birth-rares. But the big racial outlier is Africans who probably should just have their own societies and not mix with anyone seeing as how genetically different they are from the rest of humanity. Unfortunately most race-mixing propaganda is being pushed to create mullatos, but that doesn't mean we have to go along with it.

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Am I going to be expelled for pointing out Tinkzorg is correct here?

The online right, especially "dissident right" is very clearly primarily downwardly mobile whites who are upset that they have a worse work/privilege balance than Boomer whites did. I see very few people with elite pedigrees (education, career, etc.) of any sort, and I see very few people that are enthusiastic about working. It's mostly whiners that are upset they don't have as good a deal as their parents had.

How many do the absolute basics of any sort of local political involvement? How many make political donations to national candidates?

Seems bad. These points are salient because they explain why it is difficult to get anyone to do anything useful. The whole problem is people want to be spoiled Boomers and get away with it. They don't want to have to do anything!

The Wendy saga itself is telling because it's once again just a bunch of online Jerks that want to complain that some white girl had sex with a black guy. They don't want to do anything, they just want to complain and whine that they don't have the society their parents got.

(none of the above is a criticism of Scott, but it is a criticism of the ecosystem which is... quite poor)

An observer can see why Richard Spencer decided to become a Democrat.

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Some people are like that but the conservative base is still middle class and most posters are still middle class. Some are falling into the lumpenbourgeoisie, some are embarrassed middle class types who pretend they're working class, others are standard middle class. The nEEt phenomenon is a downward middle class phenomenon

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023

Re: the middle class, I half think that an untold story of the last 50 years is that the Western elite during the Cold War pursued a strategy of discrediting the Soviet Union by giving the middle class a great quality of life. Argument goes: the Western elite was fearful of the USSR, and they settled on winning the ideologic battle by making things really, really, good for their general public. This actually worked!

The problem is, it gave the middle class Boomers that lived through that period a delusional view of both their own power level, as well as what reasonable expectations were if one went to a decent school and worked 40 hours a week. That delusion was passed on to their children.

After the Cold War ends, there's really no reason to be so generous to the middle class anymore. Like, what are they going to do about it? Not much it turns out.

It's even worse than that for Millennials because not only do they get a much crummier deal, but as Boomers are mostly grandfathered in at this point (as they own so much property), Ms don't really get any political support from Bs to push back.

So, instead we get a lot of online kvetching from younger whites that don't want to go grind it out with immigrants in California or whatever. But if one's whole complaint is "you're trying to make me work hard, and I don't want to, I want to be spoiled and lazy like my parents got to be", it's tough to get value out of that type of person in a political movement.

Much of the online right really does appear to be fantasizing about drinking coffee and staring at mountains, or hanging out at the beach. Americans who are unhappy with the current trajectory of the US need to get jobs at Microsoft or the State Department. I don't think there is another way out.

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The "middle-class" is a bit of a deceptive term, it used to be determined by income but these days it's more of an identity signifier. When the people who considered themselves middle-class actually have children they find that they are rather poor. It's a wake-up call many marriages don't survive.The women have a nice safety cushion after divorce via state subsidies, but the men fall right through the cracks

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