We need less of our people to relegated to mediocrity and domesticity. To STRIVE beyond that and have the STRENGTH and VISION to see things out in society. Trump is a perfect example of somebody who has and never will be domesticated by his wif(v)e(s) and never let muh famby values define who he is or how he executes politically. Breaking from the domestic social conservative narrative is paramount. Less mealy mouthed Mitt Romney or Matt Walsh types, more Trump.
Some people who politically came of age during the alt right era have probably grown up and moderated a bit as they become domesticated wagies. Taking Aiden to swim team as boarding the Argo maybe a pretty lame attempt of keeping their former edginess alive. But despite the dishonesty and incoherence of the position, it's ultimately better that people of this type adapt more to regular, healthy, bourgeois society. The alternative is going into their second decade of the JQ and Pepe while their kids run feral.
So that is a way of making the best of a weird situation. The part that really resonates with me though, is that supposed dissidents will plant like seals if a global corporation gives them the time of day. It is frankly embarrassing to watch people who think themselves part of the masculine Vanguard descend into a sub E News gossip factory the second a car company hits the record button. Fine, commercial and audio-visual culture are important, and they do reflect the mores of society to an extent, but there's a real limit to how much this stuff matters, and above all else this constant need for validation from Madison Avenue would have even the peasants thinking it was a bit effete.
Overall, not withstanding Benny Johnson's incredibly lame take on everything, I think Domesticity is actually a positive for our movement, in that it weeds out the most disagreeable, who would be unable to form family in the first place. This will also hopefully leave space for those who genuinely are dissidents, genuinely are outsiders in modern society in some respect, and not completely neuter us. I just think the ratio of gunslingers to peasants needs to be quite small in order for us to make much electoral headway in the post-Trump era.
The Apple commercial is just a cynical grab by Apple Corporate because they know a lot of mealy mouthed new millennial dads will eat this up. For whatever reason the millennial generation is addicted to feigning signs that they are “normal” when they’re in fact not.
Just watched The Magnificent Seven. Great points overall, but I would add that civilization needs the Mannerbund just as much as it needs the peasant, and more so at a time of crisis. Perhaps it is not your destiny to become husbandjak, young anon.
I don’t like the civil war fantasy but I think it’s somewhat okay to indulge these kind of adventurist fantasies when reasonable. Not many middle class white dads with soldier of fortune subscriptions in the 70s were going to leave to their wife and kids to go fight in Rhodesia.
There actually was a war in Rhodesia. So they were indulging in daydreaming about something real. There's not going to be a civil war in the US anytime soon. Bored suburbanites are thus fantasizing about something completely made-up, and for which most of them will be pretty illl-suited anyway. They're the spiritual equivalent of the leftists who think they're going to be "empaths" when the "communes" start up.
Very good writing. The devil is in the details of our situation. Being a dad does not mean that you are embracing Headship in the way it should be embraced. That wage gap is still a problem in families, and a "no fault divorce" could be in the offing at any time because of it. When I think of what the DR contributes to the world, I think of the ideas of Janice Fiamengo, Stephen Baskerville, Paul Gottfried, and Scott Greer (an obscure one). That is, most of the DR energy really does need to be directed toward the remainders of feminist rampage, civil rights totalitarianism, and transgender insanity. This is doable stuff. It means intellectual labor and the formation of strong argument. Again, this can go on and should go on. It is not really being some sort of crank, if done right. Yes, status can suffer. No doubt. But the result does not have to be nuclear, I don't think. All of this is "radical" enough on one reading. On another reading, you can have all of this deep right-wing revisionism built upon the basis of natural law and a great deal of other Christian theological thought. That is not "radical", but, you might say, "permanentist" or "perennialist" or something like that. Or, simply, "Right is right, Left is wrong."
I agree this Apple ad is tripe. It is meant, I am sure, to mollify Trumpists. We should not take this kind of soporific bait. I guess it all comes down to how Dad thinks. Does he think at all? Does he have strong, thoughtful, counter-cultural traditional arguments? Is he connected with other men who have the same? What, actually, is he teaching those children he is hauling around?
I guess (to conclude) that there is a great danger concealed in having won this election. No time for resting on laurels. Agenda, strategy, and public argument. Above partisan and electoral issues. Respectfully submitted.RT
We need less of our people to relegated to mediocrity and domesticity. To STRIVE beyond that and have the STRENGTH and VISION to see things out in society. Trump is a perfect example of somebody who has and never will be domesticated by his wif(v)e(s) and never let muh famby values define who he is or how he executes politically. Breaking from the domestic social conservative narrative is paramount. Less mealy mouthed Mitt Romney or Matt Walsh types, more Trump.
Excellent poast.
Some people who politically came of age during the alt right era have probably grown up and moderated a bit as they become domesticated wagies. Taking Aiden to swim team as boarding the Argo maybe a pretty lame attempt of keeping their former edginess alive. But despite the dishonesty and incoherence of the position, it's ultimately better that people of this type adapt more to regular, healthy, bourgeois society. The alternative is going into their second decade of the JQ and Pepe while their kids run feral.
So that is a way of making the best of a weird situation. The part that really resonates with me though, is that supposed dissidents will plant like seals if a global corporation gives them the time of day. It is frankly embarrassing to watch people who think themselves part of the masculine Vanguard descend into a sub E News gossip factory the second a car company hits the record button. Fine, commercial and audio-visual culture are important, and they do reflect the mores of society to an extent, but there's a real limit to how much this stuff matters, and above all else this constant need for validation from Madison Avenue would have even the peasants thinking it was a bit effete.
Overall, not withstanding Benny Johnson's incredibly lame take on everything, I think Domesticity is actually a positive for our movement, in that it weeds out the most disagreeable, who would be unable to form family in the first place. This will also hopefully leave space for those who genuinely are dissidents, genuinely are outsiders in modern society in some respect, and not completely neuter us. I just think the ratio of gunslingers to peasants needs to be quite small in order for us to make much electoral headway in the post-Trump era.
The Apple commercial is just a cynical grab by Apple Corporate because they know a lot of mealy mouthed new millennial dads will eat this up. For whatever reason the millennial generation is addicted to feigning signs that they are “normal” when they’re in fact not.
That's my point - being a consoomer dad IS normal
Just watched The Magnificent Seven. Great points overall, but I would add that civilization needs the Mannerbund just as much as it needs the peasant, and more so at a time of crisis. Perhaps it is not your destiny to become husbandjak, young anon.
I don’t like the civil war fantasy but I think it’s somewhat okay to indulge these kind of adventurist fantasies when reasonable. Not many middle class white dads with soldier of fortune subscriptions in the 70s were going to leave to their wife and kids to go fight in Rhodesia.
There actually was a war in Rhodesia. So they were indulging in daydreaming about something real. There's not going to be a civil war in the US anytime soon. Bored suburbanites are thus fantasizing about something completely made-up, and for which most of them will be pretty illl-suited anyway. They're the spiritual equivalent of the leftists who think they're going to be "empaths" when the "communes" start up.
Very good writing. The devil is in the details of our situation. Being a dad does not mean that you are embracing Headship in the way it should be embraced. That wage gap is still a problem in families, and a "no fault divorce" could be in the offing at any time because of it. When I think of what the DR contributes to the world, I think of the ideas of Janice Fiamengo, Stephen Baskerville, Paul Gottfried, and Scott Greer (an obscure one). That is, most of the DR energy really does need to be directed toward the remainders of feminist rampage, civil rights totalitarianism, and transgender insanity. This is doable stuff. It means intellectual labor and the formation of strong argument. Again, this can go on and should go on. It is not really being some sort of crank, if done right. Yes, status can suffer. No doubt. But the result does not have to be nuclear, I don't think. All of this is "radical" enough on one reading. On another reading, you can have all of this deep right-wing revisionism built upon the basis of natural law and a great deal of other Christian theological thought. That is not "radical", but, you might say, "permanentist" or "perennialist" or something like that. Or, simply, "Right is right, Left is wrong."
I agree this Apple ad is tripe. It is meant, I am sure, to mollify Trumpists. We should not take this kind of soporific bait. I guess it all comes down to how Dad thinks. Does he think at all? Does he have strong, thoughtful, counter-cultural traditional arguments? Is he connected with other men who have the same? What, actually, is he teaching those children he is hauling around?
I guess (to conclude) that there is a great danger concealed in having won this election. No time for resting on laurels. Agenda, strategy, and public argument. Above partisan and electoral issues. Respectfully submitted.RT