Vivek of course misses the mark, which is one reason I would never consider Vivek a legitimate candidate. I think Hoover spoke of America as an ideal as you much pretty said in the context of an Anglo-Saxon nation. Comfortable in that reality. He probably would have accepted those few minorities who would have assimilated in the best way, but never to the extent that has been seen (much less those that do not assimilate), since his death.

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Vote in a poll for the best conservative influencer under 50! Scott is on the list! https://twitter.com/jmjmus/status/1690056921225535495?t=H9-WolIHuZKnoNwxxVjtmg&s=19

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Scott we NEED another episode on metal.

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I will consider it!

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At this point minority majority America is baked into the cake though?

There’s no revolution or civil war on the horizon as you say, and Americans under 20 are already minority white.

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Aug 13, 2023·edited Aug 13, 2023

The only way that it's reversed is if they first start lumping White Hispanics with other Whites, like they do in crime statistics, and secondly reduce mass immigration.

I don't think that #1 will happen until and unless the anti-White Civil Rights/Affirmative Action Regime is completely disbanded and replaced with a truly meritocratic system. There is no incentive for Castizos or even gentile Whites with claimed Native ancestry (which in many cases is made up) to identify as White under the current system. SCOTUS's recent ruling was a good start.

The second part is much easier. You have to secure the South Border and reduce legal immigration from 1 million a year to far less, if not a full on moratorium.

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I do not believe those "White Hispanics" are actually White at all, quite frankly. Regardless of what they fill in on the census they tend to be very swarthy and have a completely different culture and biology. I don't need to tell you how they vote. Given current trends I have no hope of using the political process to dismantle the anti-White system or secure the border. The reality is that some sort of racial nationalism will have to develop. It's very difficult to see how but there's not really going to be another option.

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Aug 14, 2023·edited Aug 14, 2023

Hispanics on average are like 60-65% Euro according to 23andme. Counting only White Hispanics it’s closer to 80%, which is basically White.

White/Protestant Hispanics are also fairly GOP favorable for a “minority” group. It’s actually the Catholics that still strongly identify with Dems.

Regardless of whether Hispanics are actually white or not (it’s debatable), this country is not ready for any kind of explicit “Racial nationalism”, and if the embarrassment that are Patriot Front rallies do not tell you otherwise, idk what will.

You can use the courts to dismantle the anti-white regime’s tenets step by step and Trump mostly secured the border. It is possible via using the political process.

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Magic Americans, on average, are like 20-25% European too, you want to bring them in as well?

This entire post is more or less ridiculous. "Counting only White Hispanics" "80% is basically White" "White Protestant Hispanics."

You are taking an incredibly narrow slice of the population, one that does not even consciously subdivide itself in this manner, to argue what exactly? That there's a narrow fraction of Mestizos we can win? We used to win the Vietnamese, too, it's still incredibly stupid to pitch "Why Asian immigration isn't so bad and how the GOP can win Asians." What else could you possibly be arguing for? That getting replaced by THESE people isn't really so bad?

We shouldn't even humor this idea that "75% is White enough," or assume that Hispanic self-identification reflects their racial background at all, but realistically, even the idea that there are a ton of 75% White Hispanics running around America is nonsense as well. It's not the upper class of Sonora, Chihuahua and Nuevo Leon moving here. When you look at places of origin for these immigrants it is being tilted heavily in favor of South Mexico, and Central America. These places are HEAVILY indigenous.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023

This is completely misreading my comment.

My point is that it would be better off to restrict immigration and try to completely dismantle the anti-white/civil rights regime, while getting rid of the anti-white system in the process.

I NEVER argued for brining in “based” Latin or Asian immigrants, let alone Magic. Is this a joke? I just said that many immigrants assimilated into the anti-white new America and we need to change that trend by dismantling the CRA regime, which also has many other bad trends. I also said that a good amount of Latinx in this country are white passing/white or identify as white, which obviously are usually NOT illegals that are in industries like agriculture, construction, or house maids- whom are obviously usually way more mestizo or flat out indio. There’s a reason why that demo despite being 19% of America’s population isn’t as visible as Magic or even Asians in many cases, because a decent amount of them pass as white. And secondly, would you rather have 70% Euro Hispanics either identify with whites, or the left’s POC coalition? The reason why many still prefer to stick to the latter is because of the flight from white, which is driven by the left’s war on whites, which is what we truly need to end. And that does NOT end by bringing in all of Latin America, and I never ever implied to say that. I hope this clears up the confusion though.

I try to be a realist, and running on “giving up electoral politics” like envr suggests is not realistic. Otherwise, good luck trying to change anything.

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I think I'm reading it perfectly well.

My contention is that you're trying to force some dichotomy and tack on a condition that's not even tangentially related.

It would be better to do that than what? And last I checked, most people in the DR Sphere right now, Scott included, *are* focusing on the Civil Rights regime and anti-White legislation. What does any of this have to do with Hispanics?

Nobody is accusing you of wanting to BRING IN immigrants, people are reacting negatively, and rightfully so, to the idea that we start laundering Hispanics in the White category like Kauffman suggested in "Whiteshift." And again, what does getting some 5'0 Aztec to mark down "White" on his census form have to do with getting rid of anti-White legislation? THIS is the problem, you're listing something reasonable, and then trying to insist that a necessary precondition to doing something that's ALREADY is to "accept Hispanics, they're blanco actually!"

The overwhelming majority of Hispanics here are about as unassimilable as the Blacks or Asians. As far as their visibility, I'm calling BS on that. Yeah, maybe you don't see them where you're at, but try living in the Southwest, they're not hard to find. My God, in Texas these days it's like we never won the Mexican-American War. Not only are they visible, they're visibly *brown.*

I don't know why the pro-Hispanic shills always insist they're running around with blonde hair and blue eyes, but they're not. They're brown. Even ignoring illegals, the Hispanics we're LEGALLY getting are brown. We're increasingly seeing MORE legal immigrants from Central America, and frankly, even the legal Mexicans skew towards Mestizos and Indios. I don't know why you're so deseperate to pretend otherwise.

I'm not suggesting "giving up on electoral politics." I'm just saying there's no reason (and you certainly haven't listed one), as to why we should entertain the "Whiteshift" nonsense. They're not Americans, they never will be and I'm sick of dorks on the Dissident Right, who have NEVER set foot in places they've ruined pretending that we can make them as American as Apple Pie.

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I frankly don't care if these visibly non-White foreigners invading my country are "60% European," the countries they come from are atrocious and they are bringing that here. It's delusional to suggest that they are White people or are ever gonna vote for the GOP.

I sincerely doubt we will be able to control anything at the national level beyond the next election cycle (2022 was already a death knell). We got lucky with the courts, that's gone as soon as the Democrats have the majorities to pack them. It's gonna be over in terms of electoral politics within the next decade and people have to come to terms with that.

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I’m not trying to shill for the “based immigrant” meme. I believe you are misreading what I actually meant, which is to stop anti-white indoctrination in general.

If you’re going to give up on electoral politics or the court battles, then where will you fight? There’s going to be no national divorce and accelerationism does not work (ask Afrikaners). So what is the solution?

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I'm going to be completely honest: I have no idea. It's a very bad situation. I don't think we should "give up," you should vote Republican of course, but I'm just being realistic in that the GOP incrementalist strategy just isn't going to be viable in around a decade. I have the belief that our best hope for surviving in the near future America is to try to develop racial solidarity in any way possible.

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Yes this is what I have been saying for a while. Hispanics are 70% genetically Western European, whites and mixed whites make around 83% of the country. If immigration is shut off and pronatalist policies and ending race quotas they will assimilate like Italians (40% intermarriage rate already).

The idea of us as a permeable ethnic group kinda becomes a nonissue if immigration is shut off.

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I fully support both those things, but they are stabilizing measures. They stop the bleeding, but they don’t reverse anything

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Reversing it only happens if whites start having more kids combined with the two factors I mentioned.

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If you do pronatalist policies targeted at upper and middle class and provide birth control for lower it reverses it....we basically have zero support for middle class families to have kids

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