Move to 14:40 at this stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW6gu4rzUz0

Didn't expect that from coming from Judge Napolitano.

I know that he's not on our side [egalitarian, has non-white features, and probably a civic nationalist], however he is a staunch constitutionalist and openly not a supporter of the Biden administration:

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"Rural and urban America both listen to the same music, watch the same shows, and, at least among the youth, speak the same way."

The majority of white youth don't speak ebonics. Listening to the same music and watching the same shows isn't entirely true, especially in the 24-25 and over age range, and even if it was that doesn't necessarily culturally bind us together as one people. The major networks and streaming platforms are making content to appeal to non-white audiences which means they will repulse most whites with healthy racial instincts. I don't know of too many whites who regularly tuned in to "Blackish" or some of the black themed crapola on Amazon Prime.

In the 1980's both whites and blacks both loved the Cosby show yet racial discord persisted and it is worse today. Americans of all races watch the NFL and NBA yet that hasn't eased the interracial tension or lowered the black on white violent crime rate. It's an open secret that most black players strongly identify with their race. Having a largely white fan base hasn't encouraged them to adopt race neutrality.

Blacks and whites both profess Christianity in large numbers yet both largely worship separately on Sundays. And fewer of each race identify as Christians from even 10yrs ago, so Christianity is having less of a unifying effect on the culture and nation as it once had.

Then there's the increasing racial separatism on college campuses with non-whites, especially blacks, demanding their own racially exclusive spaces. High schools and colleges still have black lunch tables where whites are not permitted to sit.

Scott is correct that long standing regional differences are rapidly disappearing due to large scale internal migration. He's also correct that people on the right largely wish to tune out of partisan fighting. So NASCAR can try to push left wing cultural initiatives all they want but their fans will just quietly ignore all that or grumble in the stands to each other. But their silence isn't consent as Scott appears to think.

If America was truly culturally homogenous then I'd doubt that 47% of Republicans would support secession.

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The vast majority of white youth listen to rap and that influences their speech. You can discover this going to a movie theater or watching tiktoks. The general American population sees similar things on social media, love Marvel movies, and watches the Super Bowl. As I say the article, even Red America entertainment options include woke messaging and influences from black culture. You don't offer examples of the separate cultures besides saying the majority of America doesn't watch Blackish (I never said that) and a plurality of Republicans support national divorce.

Republicans support national divorce for political reasons, not cultural reasons. A Red America would be largely the same as it exists now, with the NFL and rap remaining in the new state. The differences would be that a separate Red America would ban criticism of Israel and its AP African American History would emphasize how all these civil rights figures were Republicans.

Sports do alter racial views among whites (integrated sports leagues coincided with declining support for segregation), but it probably doesn't have that effect on blacks. However, racial animosity among blacks doesn't negate the predominance of the American monoculture.

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Sadly, a sizable minority of white youth listen to rap but in my experience it's not the vast majority. Even if it is the vast majority they usually grow out of it in their early to mid 20's and don't remain wiggers for life.

Blackish was just one example of programming geared towards blacks and the biracial. I can't think of one network TV show that is popular across all racial groups but maybe you can.

The woke messaging in the Super Bowl, Nascar, etc., is not popular among most of the white fans. Everyone I know was disgusted by the black national anthem before the game. It's not the fanbase that is demanding the woke messaging. It's being forced on them from above. Regardless, they ignore the woke political messaging and just focus on the game or the race.

The support for many aspects of the increasingly woke monoculture that you keep citing is a mile wide and an inch deep although it does have its true believers on the left. People aren't warming to wokeness just because it's being shoehorned into sports and entertainment. There's a lot of people increasing tuning it out and turning to other things. Why do you think Hollywood lost 500 billion dollars in 2022?

If politics is truly downstream from (mono) culture then support for secession among Republicans wouldn't be nearing 50%. In addition to the political differences they are likely alienated from aspects of the dispiriting popular culture and I don't think they'd be clamoring for Afro American studies in a breakaway state.

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The majority of youth absolutely listen to rap. It was already the majority when I was a teenager two decades ago, and it's only gotten more popular since then. 54% of youth say it's their favorite genre,, topping all other choices. A majority of millennials and Gen Zers say it's their favorite genre https://www.ypulse.com/article/2021/11/16/this-has-rapidly-become-gen-zs-top-music-genre/

Millennials and Gen Xers still listen to rap in their 30s and 40s. They're not wiggers--rap is just the standard American music now. Your experience must be primarily among GenXers and Boomers to find a majority who don't like rap.

Hollywood loses money because there are more entertainment options now than ever before, from YouTube channels to video games. Most of these outlets still promote the same values and culture as Hollywood, but in a different presentation. You'd have to offer an example of some form of explicitly anti-woke culture that conservatives are turning to in rejection of the monoculture to argue we don't live in a monoculture

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Regardless of the polling rap becomes less popular as people age. As it is the jump from 39% to 54% is quite recent. You must hang with a different crowd as I know no white person in their 30's and 40's who listens to rap although I don't doubt some do.

If you wrote this essay in the 1990's or early 2000's I would agree with the monoculture thesis as the country was whiter and large swaths of the population watched the same shows on TV like ER, Friends, Home Improvement, SNL and many others. Cultural elites commanded more respect and credibility than they do now and weren't mocked as they are today and which has led to the steep decline in viewership for entertainment industry awards shows as noted above.

There's also black and Latino subculture. There's BET and Spanish language radio and TV are steadily growing. These appeal only to the black and Latino population who now comprise nearly 33% of the U.S population.

NASCAR fanbase is at least 90% white and overwhelmingly right wing Republican. NASCAR doesn't resonate across racial and political lines.

I think the monoculture is a bit of an illusion as if that's what we truly had it would carry over into the political sphere as it used to. It might be true in the age 16-29yr old category since those age groups care most about muh rap and muh Marvel movies and vote 2/3 for Democrats. I think the rancor and acrimony in politics are a sign that the monoculture is failing.

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Man, what an absolutely depressing article. I've noticed a common thread in your way of thinking where you seem obsessed with pointing out that not only is the right destined to lose. Even worse, you argue, it is destined to not even have any agency as it's own force to even at least try to win.

Never mind that large percentages of white people are willing to tell pollsters they believe in the great replacement. Never mind that more white Americans are growing increasingly racially political in their attitudes. New data has come out showing white people are actively sorting into the Republican party due to racial resentment.

A poll just came out saying 47% of Republicans support secession. Yes, yes I know, I know, that doesn't mean secession will likely happen soon given how different america is now from 1861. Still, I can't remember a time in modern history where secession was more popular. Even on the ground, parts of Maryland, Oregon and Washington are trying to secede from their own states and join neighboring, redder, whiter, more conservative states. That is an actual tangible thing being done by people with agency which we should support.

I guess it all comee down to that since people enjoy their NFL bread and circuses the left will have total cultural hegemony for the next hundred years.

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Well it's not meant to be a blackpill. Conservative media consumers are generally much better on the issues than before. A lot of whites also realize anti-white racism is a real thing. But all these come at a time of great prosperity and cultural hegemony. I never argue that complacency will reign forever. I just say what I observe about the moment right now. If Trump wins in 2024, then that reflects a much better social mood than what we experience now.

Most of these articles are done to explain why the midterms were a disappointment and why we should see the world as it is. The red counties wanting to break away from blue states is good, as is the resistance to DEI. But these efforts do not amount to the type of secession scenario I see commonly touted. People don't want radical solutions at the moment, and we have to accommodate that.

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Take Ireland for example, a country which you regularly like to diss for their anti anglo sentiment making them pro mass migration. 'Everyone can come except the English.' This was a country that has been inundated with the same globalist, pro multiculturalism, pro immigration, pro lgbt, anti family, and anti white poison that all white English speaking countries have been for decades.

But look at what is happening in Ireland now. Thousands of people are taking to the streets in several major Irish cities to demand an end to refugee resettlement and mass migration. They are publicly mobbing sin feinn rallies and screaming at them for being traitors. They are unafraid of being called racist and their pressure is even leaving some hotels to cancel hosting fake refugees.

I doubt the globalist government will listen and these protests will dissipate after a while, but the sentiments that led to them happening will not. The fact that pro white, pro nationalist sentiments are now taking a strong hold in Ireland which people on the American and British right have constantly mocked as a third worldist/leftist country for decades shows that things are definitively changing. I guess Irish nationalism no longer means 'anyone can come except the English' anymore thankfully.

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You actually raise alot of good points in this article which I agree with. I am not meaning to just dump on it. We do have to contend with the left's total cultural hegemony which at one point did not exist.

The right used to have cultural hegemony until certain events in the mid 20th century. We really just have to build our own institutions which will be a generational struggle. From there we can take over the mainstream. We need to offer people something better morally and aesthetically than the NFL or whatever crap they watch on TV.

A great man once said it best, we need to stop being spectators and start becoming participants.

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Scott doesnt blackpill to depress you, he states the truth so we can deal with the real facts on the ground. You never know the future. We need to make money and get in high places where we can fire people like Elon has.

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