Apr 3, 2023Liked by Scott Greer

To be fair, right-wing protests like Charlottesville had a large youth presence, and it brought those people nothing but misery. Leftist zoomers will never experience doxxing, while many young conservatives have much to lose while nothing to gain from attending protests. It's not good, but that's the world we live in, unfortunately.

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True. I think flash demonstrations and banner drops can be a good way to bring attention to a message. Unfortunately, most of the groups that do that stuff are just irl trolls posting ridiculous stuff rather than appealing to ordinary people. The Identitarians in europe were very good about those kinds of demos.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Scott Greer

I think protests don't do anything anyway. Modern mass protests may be more a mechanism for political power to speak to the public, not for the public to speak to political power.

I remember being in something like a Wall Street office during the Occupy demonstrations, and the whole mood was like, "why would we care".

Mass political protests work when the elite is legitimately afraid of the mob surrounding their homes & offices and pulling them out of it. If the crowd doesn't have the power to do that, it's fake and has no power to speak to elites.

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Tbh I am more of this opinion. Protests are more about demonstrating how many zealous followers you have. It's more important to shut down drag queen shows for kids through the state legislature than to protest outside one.

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Of course trans, BLM and Antifa protests are effectively state sponsored, Charlottesville was quite the opposite.

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Apr 3, 2023·edited Apr 3, 2023Liked by Scott Greer

Breaking this issue into some component parts.

As we all know, one problem is that progressives control messaging institutions (media, entertainment, schools, etc.).

Another problem is that non-progressives often don't have a strong message.

"Control more media companies" is probably a pretty obvious statement, but one topic that doesn't get enough play on our side is encouraging non-progressives to work in media and entertainment. Too many non-progressives pretend it's impossible to work in Hollywood when what's really impossible is for them to stop playing video games long enough to get a real job. If random Indians can work in Hollywood, you can too. That would help.

I'm less sure about how best to address the second issue, but one thing we could do is to stop promoting delusional ideas that harm the people that follow them. Young people just want to get ahead and have a good time, because they start with nothing by default and, as they say, you're only young once.

Progressives pitch young people on how to advance their careers (i.e. eventually make money) and how to enjoy themselves. Non-progressives have a tendency to pitch "how to waste your youth making boomers slightly better off", "how to continue to buy into and contribute to systems that no longer work", "how to kill your career by offending people that control powerful institutions", etc.

At the very least, we can jump all over our own side any time they are still doing one of those.

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I agree!

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The online right apparently thinks the way to reach zoomers is Bible thumping, for some idiotic reason

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Blockbuster video = Ukraine flag; good one.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023

I don't they actually believed in it. The nostalgia and history of Christianity (Western Civilization) was supposed to embarrass the established Republicans who were phony conservatives with liberal ideas. Like those times when they confronted TPUSA. Up till now I think it worked.

But that was it, time for a new game plan.

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Totally agreed. At least two strikes:

"How to continue to buy into and contribute to systems that no longer work"; AND

"How to kill your career by offending people that control powerful institutions"

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