It should be natural for the majority of whites to oppose immigration because they don't wish to become a persecuted minority but decades of propaganda have convinced a substantial minority if not slight majority that opposition to immigration on racial grounds is Nazism and immoral.

Sure, most of these non-white immigrant groups are generally far less violent and dysfunctional than blacks but they still have a racial conscious and act in their own perceived interests evidenced by voting patterns. As their numbers grow this will not bode well for whites and there will be conflict. It will also make America a one party state run by radical left wing Democrats.

I've worked with all racial groups and the racial nepotism among them is as strong if not stronger than they claim it was with the white "good ole boys network". All groups have an in-group racial loyalty to each other that I really don't see with whites. If this doesn't change then whites really have no future in this country.

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It’s different for each immigrant group and the assimilation techniques used. Blacks obviously have the most ingroup bias and that won’t change. The key is mixed raced people usually identify with the mainstream (ie:whites) and this population is drastically undercounted due to the one drop rule in our census (by 2050 75% of Americans will be part or wholly white). The key for immigrants is copying Denmark and have many assimilation classes, mandatory language, and don’t allow them all to live next to one another.

Also we need to copy other countries and just make them guest workers with no voting rights. This also takes away the need for paying for education or social security. We could do this for the current illegals and send them back over a period of 10-15 years after they’ve already given economic benefit ( about 60% of euros went back in the last great migration, the problem now is they are staying for welfare which didn’t exist back then).

Also Hispanics by the 3rd generation 75% are offspring of mixed white marriages. They are genetically 85% white and speak English. The issue is with the new ones that are told not to assimilate and come from poor regions with horrible education.

Yes ethnic patronage is the main issue facing historic Americans in the future. The use of a voting block to redistribute wealth from groups has been done in every non assimilated multiethnic country. The difference is that most native born Hispanics and mixed see themselves as white and most closely identify as such. They also come from countries where the leadership is white and are mulatto so see an ability to blend in.

The main issues are stopping immigration (20 year 100k moratorium), popularize noticing anti white racism, bring attention to who’s committing the crime and how much welfare is spent yearly, reduce military budget to stop neocons from wasting money abroad, encouraging remote work to defund democratic cities, ending birthright citizenship, automation/guest workers for low wage farm jobs that can’t be filled, repatriation after 10 year guest worker for illegals, stop pandering to black voters and get mixed race/ Hispanics (already have 40%), reduce the size of government, school vouchers (dismantle state power over education), foreign aid as birth control to stop immigration (most immigration will tap out by 2050 due to global birthrates), free birth control to reduce welfare dependency, support police ( fund insane asylums, technology to arrest criminals without guns, funding).

It’s not anywhere close to over and if we are proactive things can turn around, but conservatives just whining on twitter doesn’t do anything.

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Also Scott very important. Shouldn’t we frame the great replacement as an economic replacement, this was the main argument of the left against mass immigration historically (look up Bernie sanders).

Most elites until recently weren’t as anti white they more just saw themselves as beyond ethnicity/nationality. Their main push for immigration was cheap labor historically.

This could be exploited and used to gain the votes on a wider base of support than our core. Simply “immigration prevents you from reaching the middle class, they are not refugees they are economic migrants, we will set up refugee charter cities in culturally similar areas to affordably aid many more than would be allowed if resettled in the US, most would rather be in a safe zone that’s culturally similar.”

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Thank you Scott, very cool!

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Without Trump, we don't need democracy! Burn the books! Without Trump there will never be real immigration reform. There is no one else on the horizon yet because we have to get over the hurdle of being repressed as America First conservatives which is the battle of our lifetimes and right now. As Georges Sorel describes, having a parliamentary democracy is akin to a giant public works / job program, which is inherently corrupt. The corruptness of smashing America First with mob rule and universalism that our representatives administrated by proxy in state, local, and federal governments. With a little more TRUMPISM new people will emerge via the PROCESS leading up to and through the 2024 election. New Men will be made and shaped here or we will fall.

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The new "Tic-toc" media is focusing in on black crime and perverts. So yeah, it's distracting us from the bigger threat.

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We have an assimilation problem, too. I feel the same way as Scott. We have to look at both issues with the same amount of gusto. I have a hard time grasping why blacks and only blacks cannot or refuse to assimilate after so many years. They are changing the culture of America's founding principles and trying very hard to push a Marxist ideology. Some self-loathing and insecure white people are helping them. Too many. I think we should give black people homes rather than any more hand outs or hand ups. Just this one thing. Give each family a home in a predominantly white neighborhood. One per neighborhood so they 1. Get the "reparations" they will never shut up about. 2. Spread out and learn to assimilate in new neighborhood. Caveat: When you take free home, you can never again use the excuse or reason of the past. A black friend of mine just bought a house in a nice neighborhood, but he hates it because he says there are "those blacks" living there.

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I rather they don't assimilate, that is what I like about the blacker races, they let you know who they are from the get-go. The Jews on the other hand have assimilated and manipulated their way to power. So here we are today.

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Never thought of it that way

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Scott can you talk about how to reframe stopping immigration to make it a 70/30 issue?

1)For instance with refugees we could help 10x more with the same amount of money due to purchasing power if we set up a refugee camp in a local culturally similar area.

2) what should our immigration policy have been in 1960/ be in the future? A policy of assimilation and economic benefit, if they do not economically benefit it is charity and they are a refugee thus helped in home country, this eliminates most of the third world as seen in studies of immigrants economic benefits. Women’s rights aspect, most third world countries treat women like 2 nd class citizens, this is a 70/30 way of baring certain nationalities from entering as a standard of women’s rights would be applied. Cultural similarity and rates of intermarriage, this would preference Anglo countries first then western second. Pushing for Christian or non religious immigration preference as it prevents assimilation through intermarriage.

**** Those wedges could all be used to create a points based system that would preference Anglo, western, Christian or agnostic, nonpoor, English speaking immigrants. Tied with a national quota system this would be very similar to our immigration policy pre 1960.******

3) Also we need to talk about other countries birth rates, this is the main push factor. These countries have kids they cannot economically provide for thus they create a “humanitarian” issue that western liberals use to push for “refugees” (economic migrants with no intent to assimilate).

**** Providing free birth control (like Ethiopia does) and women’s education (shortens birthing period, main cause of fertility decline) would solve the problem in 20 years. This has been ignored by paleocons for 70 years, if we would have pushed those two factors the third world population would be a fraction of what it is today and the poverty would be more like Bolivia, a backwater dump but not a humanitarian crisis flooding in refugees (it would be a self contained minor issue).

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We probably won't make immigration a 70/30 issue, no matter what we do. Handing out birth control to specific groups is also highly unpopular. The key point is just to address immigration on how it directly affects people's lives. The massive costs to taxpayers, the effect on wages, the transformed communities, etc. Liberals will support immigration no matter what, however

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What do you think about denmarks immigration policy or another western country you like.

Also what about adjusting our foreign policy to focus more on Central America and the source of the bulk of illegal immigration?

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Also side note. What do you think about using transracialism and title nine to dismantle affirmative action. If our core supporters all put black on applications it would promote them to the highest institutions and dismantle their system of ethnic patronage.

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