Of course conservatives should use the cancel culture tactics. For too long, too many on the so-called conservative side expend enormous amounts of energy trying to keep everybody on the right in line. Of course, conservatives aren’t very good at the cancel culture tactics. We haven’t done very much of it yet. I think we should start by picking the right fights. My vote would be to focus on squelching the transgender lunacy. These efforts should be extremely local where we identify those on the front lines making these policies possible. The school teachers and principles, the HR nazis. Make what they do very public. Embarrass them, make them defend themselves. they are no better than pedophiles. They are just as evil.

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America First Legal I mention a lot simply because they embrace lawfare tactics. They can sue a company for anti White hiring policies. Stil though does the Left own lawfare too Scott? I could never picture what Leticia James did to VDare happening in reverse? Some left wing group even if far left communist being sued out of existence by a right wing lawyer group can you? I still think America First Legal try and do what it can. What Leticia James did though seems worthy of an entire IQ supplement and maybe how Vdare could have protected themselves if they knew what could happen decades ago.

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