
Can you do an article laying out your achievable vision?

Such as perhaps: ending mass immigration, ending quotas dei, changing narrative that slavery was universal not only American, raising birthrate, reducing military intervention (use proxies and nonforward positions), automation for migrant jobs, changing the census, pushing for Hispanics and mixed race to identify with white (ethnic Americans), push narrative that immigration should only be for benefit of American people, provide birth control for third world and poor in America (only way to stop push factors), reduce college to 2 years, patriotic education, no minority months of set asides, develop trade with Central America to create stability nearby, support leaders like bukele to stop illegal immigeation….

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Yeah that would be really cool. I've loved your commentary and it would be good if you laid out a formal platform.

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Thanks man. Yeah when you think of proactive ways of addressing issues it makes dealing with these issues much more positive. If politicians would have done this earlier we wouldn’t have these issues.

I’m going to get into politics later and fill the missing niche for conservative policy and coalition building (rather than commentary and owning the libs). I just need to sort out my life first

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“Indians, in particular, make a mockery of this idea. They are one of the most ethnocentric and nepotistic groups in the country.”

What data is this based on?

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There’s no hard data to base this off but anyone who anecdotally works in Silicon Valley will tell you that this is the case, especially among Telegu speaking South Indians in particular. Indians with better English (from North India usually) are somewhat less egregiously ethnocentric.

The more recent Chinese aren’t much different either, if at all. Koreans, Japanese, and Vietnamese are not quite like this however.

However virtually all of these groups except Vietnamese vote 60+% Dem in every election- yet another problem. And no, outside of Vietnamese no Asian group votes for the GOP.

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Thanks. Do you think Asians would vote differently if Republicans weren’t perceived as anti-immigration?

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No, it wouldn’t make much of a difference. And that’s not a position worth compromising on anyways.

What would make a difference among not just Asians but most demos at large is ditching the Insane Clown Party madness.

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It doesn’t matter it takes 2 generations to vote majority republican because then they see themselves as ethnic Americans…all immigrants vote 70/30 democrat, immigrations only purpose is to benefit historic Americans, less immigration will benefit republicans long term

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