IMO Scott, you must never remove “I will not watch the NFL” from The Greerhead Pledge

It really does roll everything bad about American mainstream culture into one package

And most of your audience is millennial or younger, should not be wasting 4+ hours every Sunday for one game, let alone the whole day. These are the years that will shape the trajectory of the rest of your life

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The Great Redpilled Novel: Written by Cormac McCarthy, inspired by "Left Behind in Rosedale" and "Race War in High School", it'll be even trippier than his last two books and it'll be narrated from the perspective of an owl.

In the "readers also enjoyed" section of the goodreads page on "Race War in High School", the first one on the list is "Blood Meridian", so the audience is there.

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2023 goals:

* Greerhead pledge following

* IQ supplement maxxing

* Ruble grabbling

* Highly Respecting, Order Restoring, Nightmare Envisioning

* Trump 2024 boosting

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Scott if you offer gifting of one month free subs, I would gift those that I see click on your links or whatever good reason. That should help with engagement for Trump.

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