
Commander would be put down in almost every other circumstance

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I'd feel terrible if I had a dog who bit people but the fact that it doesn't bother the Biden's in the slightest is evidence of their psychopathy.

Scott is probably right about Biden even though Tucker and others believe Biden will be moved aside. Powerful Democrats may want to replace Biden but it seems he isn't planning on going anywhere and he isn't going to step aside without a bitter fight which would divide the Democrat party in an election year.

Keeping Biden on the ticket may wind up helping Republicans since his poll numbers keep getting worse even among Democrats. But if Trump get's sidelined and Nikki Haley becomes the GOP nominee then Biden will win since Haley is rightfully despised by the Republican base.

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The Bidens of course had access to an effectively unlimited number of world class dog trainers. But they didn't really give a damn. It's frightening that people like Joe and Jill are able to find and marry each other.

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